The legal requirements of the Marriage Act 1961 being satisfied and following the Ministry of the Word of God in Divine Service or at some other convenient time, the bridegroom stands on the South side of the Elders' Court before the Lord's Table and the Bride is brought to his side. The photographer stands to the North in front of the congregation.

A hymn at praise may be sung

The Bride and Groom are asked for the first time in the ceremony, whether they wish to be married. This is done to ascertain whether they come of their own free will.
Minister: N., do you wish to be united with this woman/man N., for the rest of your life and do you make this commitment. unconditionally and of your own free will?
Answer. "Yes", or, "I do"
If the bride has been brought in by her father or person other than the groom, that person now leaves the bride standing with the groom in front of the minister.
Minister: Dearly beloved,
Marriage is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life.
Christian marriage was established by God for the lifelong support and comfort of a man and woman for each other, for the establishment of the family so that children might be brought up in a loving, godly manner, and also for the welfare of human society which can only be strong and happy when the marriage bond is held in honour and children cared for.
Our Lord Jesus Christ blessed marriage with his first miracle and the Bible tells us that it is an example of the much greater love God has for his own people where Christians are described as being like a bride and Jesus as being like the bridegroom.
N. and N., have now come here to be pledged to each other.
If anybody knows any reason why they should not be married them speak up now or stay silent forever.
If there is any objection raised, any person so doing at this point must put up the cost of the wedding and honeymoon as a bond.


Minister: Let us hear the word of God.

Optional one of
Genesis 2:18-24, Eccesisates 4:9-12, Song of Solomon 3:7-17 Proverbs 31

Optional one of
Psalm 127, Psalm 128. Psalm 37:3-7 Psalm 67

One of
Matthew 19:3-6, Ephesians 5:20-33 Mark 10:2-S
1 Corinthians 13:4-8a, 13,* John 15:9-12 John 2:1-11

Minister: Let us Pray
(Either of the following could be used)
Almighty and ever-blessed God, we acknowledge you in all our ways. We thank you for all the gifts of your providence and for all the bounties of your grace. Especially at this time we thank you for the institution of marriage which you have ordained to guard, hallow and perfect human love; and that you made it to be honourable among all. We thank you for the joy these your servants have found in one another and for the love and trust in which they enter this holy estate. Give them of your Spirit that the vows they make to one another in your presence may be the beginning of a true and life-long union. We ask this with the forgiveness of our sins. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The couple face each other before the minister, holding hands.
The minister asks for the third time whether they wish to proceed.

Minister: N., and N., If either of you know of any reason why you should not be married you had better own up now. If you marry in a way not allowed by God's Word, you are not joined by God and your marriage is not approved by Him.

The vows are taken in one of the following styles

The Statement of Commitment:
In the presence of God and before this congregation, I, N., take you N., to be my husband/wife. I commit myself to love and serve you to the utmost of my ability as God enables me. And this commitment I will keep no matter what circumstances may arise, until we are separated by death.

or as preferred:
Minister: Do you N., take this woman N., to be your wedded wife; and do you, in the presence of God and before this congregation, promise and covenant to be to her a loving, faithful, and dutiful husband, until God shall separate you by death?
Answer: I do.
Minister: Do you N., take this man, N., to be your wedded husband; and do you, in the presence of God and before this congregation promise and covenant to be to him a loving, faithful and dutiful wife, until God shall separate you by death?
Answer: I do.

When the man places the ring on the fourth finger of the woman's left hand, the Minister says:
Minister: By this sign you take from each other. to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death do you part.

When the rings have been exchanged the minister holds the Bride & Groom's hands together in clear view of the congregation and says: Inasmuch as you have made your covenant together in marriage, declaring it before God and this congregation, I declare that you are husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord bless and keep you. The Lord pour out the riches of His grace upon you that you may please Him and live together in His love until your life's end. Amen.
The minister then says loudly so that everyone can hear clearly:
Those whom God has joined together, we must not separate.


The congregation is seated
A choir item or other suitable music may be performed.
The couple with the witnesses go to a convenient table where the Register, the Registrar's Certificate and the certificate of marriage are completed.
The certificate of marriage is presented to the couple.
The photographer moves to the front door at the Church.

God of Abraham,
God of Isaac,
God of Jacob,
bless these your servants and sow the seed of eternal life in
their hearts, that whatever they learn in your Holy Word they
may indeed fulfil.
Look in love upon them, Father, and bless them with the
blessing you sent on Abraham and Sarah that, obeying your
will and secure in protection, they may abide in your love
to their lives' end: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A short address may be given.
Then the Minister prays after this manner:

Minister: "Eternal God, whose love is the source of all
good things; inspire the union which has now begun.
Grant that those who have been joined together in your
name may live in harmony and true companionship
throughout their life together -seeking one another's
welfare, bearing one another's burdens, and sharing on e
another's joys.
(Bless their union with the gift of children)
Give them the resources to live without fear of poverty
and grant them joy in their home. Father, keep them true
to the faith in which this marriage had begun, so that they
may live always within the light and love of Christ,
strengthened by the Spirit against all temptation; and
when mortal life is over, bring them in your mercy to the
joy of that life which shall have no ending; through Jesus
Christ or Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit we
ever ascribe all honour, glory
and praise. Amen.


( Where the Lord's Supper is administered, this shall conclude the diet regardless)

Then may be sung a suitable Psalm. Paraphrase. or Hymn: after which the Minister shall pronounce the Benediction.

Minister: The peace of God, which passes all understanding. keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen.

Then the congregation shall depart in the following order
the Bridal couple
their attendants
the ministers and elders
the Parents and guardians of the Bride and Groom
The congregation.