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4.37. Election of elders.
Elders are elected by the communicants of a parish or congregation from among the communicants who have attained the age of 21 years.

4.38. Qualifications.
An elder must be in full communion within the parish or congregation, regularly attend its services and contribute to its funds. An elder should be of acknowledged piety, upholding the worship of God and exemplary in conduct.
When an election is to take place opportunity should be taken to direct the attention of the congregation to the scriptural qualifications and duties of the eldership.

4.39. Intimation of election.
The session determines the number of elders to be chosen and fixes the date and manner of their nomination and election. Due intimation is made on at
least two Sundays.

4.40. Names suggested.
The session may nominate persons for election by the communicants.

4.41. Methods of election.
The election may be by open voting, by ballot or by each voter giving or sending in on or before the day appointed for the purpose a list of communicants whom the voter may account most suitable for the office.
When the votes are taken in writing each list must be subscribed with the name of the voter.
A member of a congregation cannot demand as a right that the numbers voting be divulged.
When the number nominated does not exceed the number of elders to be chosen those nominated are declared elected.

4.42. Elders from another session.         
An elder coming from another congregation and bearing a certificate of status as an elder cannot be admitted to a session until elected by the communicants of the parish or congregation. But, if the session considers it expedient an edict may be read at public worship on two Sundays to the effect that if no valid objection is lodged the session will take the necessary steps to admit to the membership of the session an elder or elders named bearing certification of status.

4.43. Sustaining election.
After the election the session considers the fitness of each person elected and determines whether the election shall be sustained. If the election is sustained the session, having satisfied itself about the religious character, prudence and general suitableness for the eldership of the person elected, confers with the elder-elect about acceptance of the office.

4.44. Edict.
The session appoints a time for the ordination and
induction of those who have not previously held the office of eldership and the induction of those who have been previously ordained to the exercise of the office. The session directs that an edict be issued accordingly on at least one Sunday.

4.45. No objection.
The session meets at the time and place specified in the edict and, if no objections are offered in terms of the edict, the session proceeds to the ordination and
induction or induction of the elders elect.

4.46. Objections dealt with.
If an objection is offered the person or persons objecting are required to justify the same.
If the objection is unsupported by evidence or is frivolous the session proceeds with the ordination or induction as intimated. If the objection appears to be serious and is supported by evidence the session does not proceed with the ordination or induction of the person objected to until the matter has been duly investigated. If on investigation the objection is not
upheld the ordination or induction is proceeded with. But if the objection is upheld the election of the person objected to is declared void.

4.47. Ordination, induction of elders.
On the day appointed by the session for the ordination or induction, after sermon and prayer by which the session is constituted unless constituted
before the service begins, the moderator narrates the previous proceedings, calls on the congregation and on the elders-elect to stand and answer the questions appointed by the General Assembly of Australia. Satisfactory answers being returned the moderator proceeds by prayer to ordain to the office of the eldership those not already ordained and to induct those previously ordained and to commend them to the grace of God
for aid and direction in the exercise of their office. The
moderator declares them duly ordained or inducted and addresses suitable exhortations to them and to the people. At the close of the service the newly inducted elders sign the formula and their names are added to the membership of the session.

4.48. Presbytery advised.
The names of the new elders and the date of their induction are reported to the presbytery of the bounds.

4.49. Tenure of office.
An elder remains a member of the session which inducted him until
(a) an elder ceases to be a communicant member of the Parish or congregation, or
(b) the session accepts the elder's resignation, or
(c) the session declares the elder no longer a member of the court because of absence from the meetings for a period of more than twelve months not satisfactorily explained or because of practical detachment from the life and work of the congregation, or
(d) the session or a superior court removes the elder from office, or
(e) the elder is judicially deprived of office.


The Session of the Con
gregation, having resolved to strengthen it numbers now calls on communicant members of this congregation to each nominate no more than ( .number.... ) suitable persons to hold this office.
Nominations must be signed and in the hands of the Session Clerk before ( time.... ) on ( day and date .... ).
Suitable qualifications for the office of eldership are as follows:
An elder must be in full communion within the parish or congregation, regularly attend its services and contribute to its funds. An elder should be of acknowledged piety, upholding the worship of God and exemplary in conduct.
The duties if the edership are:
To co-operate with the minister in the oversight and government of the parish or congregation.
They visit the aged and sick in the district assigned to them, they care for the young, guide and encourage enquirers, edify and comfort believers, and generally promote the spiritual welfare of the congregation.

Their duties may consist in attendance on the higher courts of the church, resolution of conflict, and pursuing the interests of the congregation.


The Session of the Congregation , having resolved to proceed tp the prdination and induction of ( name or names ... ) to the office of Elder,
now gives notice
That any person having objection against the life or doctrine of the aforesaid persons must give in that objection in writing to the Session Clerk on or before ( time, day and date ... ).
If no relevant objection is lodged, will proceed to the ordination and induction of the aforesaid at ( time, day and date ... )


Whereas on the ( date .... ) the session of ( Parish ....) Sustained the election of (name or na,mes ... ) to the office of elder in this congregation and further determined that at this time it shoulf proceed to (ordain and) induct the aforesaid into this sessionand having received no substantial objection thereto, now intends to proceed to that duty and calls on this congregatiuon to support it in prayer for (those ... ) to be (ordained and) inducted.

The Ministry of the Word of God and prayeers is conducted according to the custom of the place After the sermon and at the time of the collection, the elders take their place in the elders court.


In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Church, who being ascended on high has given gifts to mankind for the edifying of the Body of Christ, we are met here as a Kirk Session to (ordain and...) induct (name or names ... ) to the office of elder in this congregation.


THE importance of the office of the Eldership was recognized by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster in 1643 in these words:
As there were in the Jewish Church Elders of the people joined with the priests and Levites in the government of the Churches, so Christ who hath instituted governments and governors ecclesiastical in the Church, hath furnished sonic in His Church, besides the Ministers of the Word, with gifts of government and with commission to execute the same, when called thereunto, who are joined with the Minister in the government of the Church, which officers Reformed Churches commonly call Elders.
The duties of Elders are more particularly:
To set the example of a virtuous and godly life, and of regular attendance at public worship..To take part with the Minister in administering the care and discipline of the Parish.
And to represent their brethren in Presby-
teries and General Assemblies when commissioned thereto.
In this act of Ordination and Admission, the Presbyterian Church of Australia, as part of the Holy Catholic Church, worshipping .one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, affirms anew its belief in the Gospel of the Sovereign grace and love of God, wherein through Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord, incarnate, crucified and risen,
He freely offers to all mankind, upon repentance, forgiveness of sins, renewal by the. Holy Spirit; and eternal life, and calls them to labour in the fellowship of the 'faith for the advancementof the Kingdom of God.throughout the world. The church acknowledges the Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and NewTestaments to be the supreme rule of faith and life, and holds as its subordinate standard the Westminister Confession of Faith, read in the light of the Declaratory Statement contained in the Basis of Union adopted by this Church on the 24th day of July, 1901.

The candidates are set before the Session


Bretheren in view of this Declaration, you
are now required to answer the questions
appointed by the Church:

I. Do you profess your faith in God, revealed
in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord and

II. Do you own anew the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord, and will you seek, in dependence on the Holy Spirit, to order your life in accordance with His Will?

III. Do you acknowledge as the supreme Standard of faith and duty the revelation of God recorded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and perfected in Jesus Christ?

IV. Do you declare your loyalty to this Church and to the principles of presbyterian polity?

V. Do you accept the office of Elder in this congregation, and, in so doing, promise to take your part in the administration of its affairs, and faithfully to discharge the duties of the Eldership?

May Almighty God bless you and give you grace faithfully to fulfil these vows.

The ordinands sign the Formula
While the congregation sings Psalm 122
(Harington 66)


I own and accept the Subordinate Standard of this Church, with the explanations given in the Articles contained in the Declaratory Statement, as an exhibition of the sense in which I understand the Holy Scriptures, and as a confession of my faith. I further own the purity of worship practised in this Church, and the Presbyterian Government thereof, to be founded on the Word of God and agreeable thereto; and I promise that through the grace of God I shall firmly and constantly adhere to the same, and to the utmost of my power shall, in my station, assert, maintain, and defend the doctrine, worship, and government of this Church.

The congregation remains standing


I HAVE now to request you, the members of
this congregation, to stand and to signify your
assent to the following questions by holding up
your right hand.

Do you, the members of this congregation, now
confirm the election of these brethren to the office of EIder in this congregation?

Do you promise to render them all due respect and encouragement in the discharge of their duties ?


Let us pray.
Almighty God‘ and heavenly Father, by your infinite love and goodness you have given us your only Son Jesus Christ to be our redeemer and the author of eternal life.
After he had ascended into heaven. he sent into the world his apostles, prophets, evangelists. teachers and pastors, bi ~hose ministn, he gathered together a great Hock in all parts of the ivorld to proclaim the praise of i our holy Name.
For these great benefits, and because you have called these your servants to the same oHice and ministry appointed for the salvation of mankind, ice give you most hearty thanks, and we praise and iiorship iou. Ue humbly ask that ice ancl all who call upon your name may be continually thankful for these and all your benefits; and that we may daily increase in the knowledge and love of you, Father, with your Son and the Holy Spirit.
And we pray that through these your ministers, and those whom they serve, your Name may be for ever glorified and your kingdom enlarged; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Chruch, and by the authority of this session, I declare you ( name or names ... ) to be ( ordained and .. ) inducted to the office of Eldership.

The minister lays hands on each one individually

I commend you to the Grace of God in the discharge of all your duties

The members of the Session follow on giving to each the Right Hand of Fellowship

The blessing of God Almighty , the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, rest upon you and abide with you always


The ordinands are seated in the session


either 1 Peter 5:1-4 or 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Paraphrase 52 (Dunfermline 52)


Go Forth Into the World in Peace;
Be of Good Courage
Hold fast to that which is good
render no one evil
strengthen the faint-hearted
support the weak
help the afflicted
love all mankind
serve the Lord
rejoicing in the power of the Spirit
and the blessing of God Almighty
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
be upon you
and remain with you always
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